Interested in playing?
Perhaps you have seen bowls competitions on TV or have stopped to watch a game in a local park at some time and thought “I wouldn’t mind giving that a try”.
Probably the number one reason you haven’t tried bowls yet is that it is often mistakenly considered to be a sport for the older folk. Indeed bowls is a great pastime for many older people, but it is also a great sport for people of all ages. The under 25 scene is flourishing both at County, National and International level, but for older folk it is a terrific way to keep your competitive spirit going when your more active days in other sports are coming to an end.
If you would like to come along to the Club and have a look or even have a go, you will be most welcome at any time. You’ll find the club in use most evenings or Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons. There is plenty of seating around the green for spectators - after all, what could be more relaxing on a warm summer’s afternoon than watching a game of bowls!
For any information feel free to contact us through our contact page and we will reply as soon as possible. We will be very happy to get you started in this great, friendly (and competitive!) sport and can even lend you some woods to get you started! You will always find other bowlers very happy to offer guidance, tips and encouragement. Or, if you wish, you can sign up for a bowls session with us through the Bowls England website: Bowls Bash - Bowls England
We look forward to welcoming you to Hadlow Bowls Club.