2023 Season News
Tuesday 21st November
Dear member,
re Quiz, Club shirts, London Beach.
Please note that the Christmas quiz, Saturday 9 December will now take place in the Old School Hall and NOT the pavilion.
It would be appreciated if you would arrive early, 6.45, so that we can have a short discussion before the quiz.
Following the discussion at the AGM regarding the purchase of club shirts we would like to get members' views on the way forward. We have a couple of samples. All members can have their say before a decision is made. Likely cost around £20.
We also need feed back about the possibility regarding taking part in a charity Afternoon Tea at the London Beach Hotel and Spa at Tenterden. £24.50 p.p. The majority of the money will be reimbursed back to club funds.
Tuesday 31st October
Good afternoon,
Here is a brief resume of today’s AGM.
There was a good attendance and the chairman welcomed the new members to their first AGM. He also thanked them for playing in matches in their first season.
The committee were re-elected. However, the chairman indicated that there are vacancies and new committee members will be needed in the not too distant future.
Events were successful.
The Treasurer reported a loss of about £700 and suggested more sponsorship is required and asked members to think about it and to let the committee know if they had contacts with a company who might be prepared to sponsor.
The committee have been asked to look at the possibility of us having a club polo shirt.
There will be a smoking/vaping ban at the club.
A code of conduct will be introduced.
Maurice said the email system for matches had worked well and asked members to always confirm that they can play.
The quiz on December 9 at 7.00 was mentioned. Please let us know if you wish to attend.
Saturday 3rd September
Finals Day Results
Derby & Joan - winners Chris & Grace
Mixed Pairs - winners Frances & Maurice
President's Cup - winner Chris
Men's Singles - winner Chris
Ladies Singles - winner Myra
Luff 2 Wood - winner Maurice
Goodgame Cup - winner Ray
Thursday 10th August
Triples Competition
The weather was kind, the competition fierce and the food excellent.
It came down to the final as follows :
Chris R / David C/Jackie H versus Len C/Jean B/Andy C.
Len led his team to a 9 - 0 position which proved to be the winning team.
Congratulations to all participants.
Big thank you to Jean I for the organisation.
Big thank you to Jean and helpers, especially Angela, with the food.
Big thank you to all those who contributed food.