News & General Information

Tuesday 3rd September

A big "Thank You" to everyone who took part in the competitions this year, there have been some very well fought and exciting matches.

Congratulations to all our winners and runners up.

Mixed Pairs - Dawn Underwood & David Conquest (Carol & Sandy)

President's Cup - Dave Green (Maurice)

Darby & Joan - Lorna & Martin Isted (Brenda & Len)

Goodgame Cup - Martin Isted (Karen)

Luff 2 Wood - Dave Green (Brian)

Ladies Singles - Jean Bailey (Marjorie)

Men's Singles - Chris Roser (Maurice)

And also congratulations to our earlier competition winners.

Farley Trophy - Dave Green (Geoff)

Triples - Dave Green, Jackie Homewood & Dawn Underwood (David Cripps, Maurice & Mary).

Enjoy the rest of the season.


Monday 2nd September

Dear All

Paddock Wood home 4 rinks Sunday September 15th Whites

Names please.


Sunday 1st September

Firstly can I thank everyone who helped to make Finals day successful and enjoyable.

Congratulations to the winners and commiserations to the runners up who did well to reach the final.

Some diary dates until the end of the season.

Townsend Hook away Wednesday 4th.

Headcorn away Saturday 7th

Sunday 8th club drive fun game, teams drawn from a hat, 2.30

Wednesday 11th, Tonbridge away.

Sunday 15th Paddock Wood at home, last match of the season.

Saturday 21st End of Season Quiz night. 7.00 in the club house.

Sunday 22nd Fixed Jack fun competition, 2.30

Race Night, this is an important event, a fund raiser, and a fun evening. Please bring your relatives and friends. In the Old school hall, 7.00.

For your information the autumn work will be carried out on the green on the 24th.

We would like some help to get the rubber out of the ditches, after the Paddock Wood game.

We have a good number of members coming to the dinner.  Any others wishing to join us please let us know asap.

Another date is the Annual General Meeting at 2.30 on Saturday 26 October.  The nominations sheet for the officers of the club and committee members is on the board in the club house.

Finally, hopefully, we will be able to give you some good news soon about the new Lease agreement.

Dave I. 

Wednesday 28th August

Wednesday 11 September away Tonbridge 2.30pm 

Hi all,

Last Wednesday match for this year. Please let me know by 3 September whether you are available to play.


Monday 19th August

Hi all,

Please let me know by 27 August whether you are available to play this away match.

Also wish to remind you all that I have race night tickets for Saturdays 28 Saturday evening. It is still £5 each. There is also a tri cast sheet and naming a horse on the notice board for £1 per entry. The club needs your support to raise funds especially this year. You are welcome to bring your families and friends.

This is a fun evening and NOT really a betting game. If you have not been to a race night before, please talk to others about it.



Monday 5th August

Mixed Triples and Summer Supper 

A dull start yesterday which turned into a hot finish in several ways.

Thanks to those who put the stuff out and Jean for the overall organisation of the competition and food.

After some keen exchanges the two teams for the final 6 ends were :

David G

Jackie H

Dawn U

Maurice W

David CR

Mary D

After 5 ends the scores were level at  4 shots each.

The last end and David CR produced two touches on the jack to lead, the finish surely; but no, in a last desperate move Dawn U herself landed on the jack, game over to rapturous applause .

The summer supper was a feast , many shout outs to the food providers and helpers.

A very enjoyable day.

Monday 22nd July

Dear ALL

Strawberry Tea

A great success, many thanks who donated pimms/beer/scones/strawberry and their time and effort.


Enough people to go ahead, 7;00 Start; just turn up there will be no raffle.


The numbers are no way near those required. Contact Jean I now to say you can play; it is August 4th so not much time to organise.

Monday 15th July

Members.  Here are some important dates for your diary.

Sunday 21 July.  Captain v Chairman match 2.30.

Saturday 27 July.  UNO night 7.00

Sunday 4 August.  mixed triples competition and summer supper.

Sunday 1 Sept.  Finals day 10.30 and lunch.

Saturday 28 Sept. Race night in the Old School Hall 7.00

Thursday 17 October.  Annual presentation dinner at NWK College 6 for 6.30

Saturday 26 October. Annual General Meeting 10.30

Saturday 7 December.  Christmas quiz 7.00. 

Monday 15th July

Away match to Sevenoaks on Wednesday 24 July 2.30pm 

Hi all,

Sevenoaks captain has just call and asking whether we can go there with 5 triples.

At present I need 1 more to make up 4 triples, therefore will need 4 more to make up 5 triples.

For those who have not signed up for this match, please let me know by the 17 July whether you are able to play.



Sunday 14th July

Dear All

Names please for the following two matches.

Saturday July 2th Home 4 rinks whites  BIDBOROUGH

Saturday July 27th Home  5 rinks Greys  WINGET

Saturday 13th July

Dear ALL 

The match result against Paddock wood; due to rain only 9 ends played.

A  race night is booked for Saturday 28th September..

Monday 8th July

Dear All

The match yesterday was cancelled due to the weather; however a big thank you for everyone turning up at Cranbrook, one of our distant venues.

We have the fun event of Captain v Chairman on the 21st; names on the board please or direct contact with Dave Isted; the strawberries are quality.

Another date is July 27th , names again on the board or direct contact with Brian R.

Sunday 7th July

Hello Everyone,

Results and tables are attached following Friday's games.

The delay was due to three scorecards being submitted late. In addition, we have had another example of one game where the scores did not match on one rink.

All I can do is again ask that Clubs speak to their skips to remind them of their responsibilities.

As some of you know, I have decided to not continue as League Secretary after this season. With this in mind, please be mindful of whoever my successor may be and the extra time and effort involved when correct scores are not submitted on time.

Below are Tuesday's Marshall Cup fixtures as well as next week's league games.

Marshall Cup - Tuesday 9 July, 6pm

Week 10 - Friday 12 July, 6pm

Division 1

Woodlands v Longmead

Angel v Tonbridge

Holmesdale v Sevenoaks

Montreal Park resting

Division 2

Knockholt v Hadlow

Vale v Borough Green 

Valley View v Beeches

Solefields resting

Division 3

Minters Orchard v Priory

Hollybush v Westerham

Amherst v Acorns

Wolfe resting


Sevenoaks League

Friday 28th June

A belated note on the Quiz on the night of June 22nd.

Winners by 4 points, Table Jenny Cr , David Cr and Rod Derrick.

Enjoyable evening with challenging questions, thanks to Jean I for the organisation and everyone for the raffle prizes. It generates 121 GBP for the funds.

Monday 10th June

All hands on deck !

No apologies for this early call to arms.

We have a Wednesday match on the 26th in the evening against Grovenor Park.

However we are into a period of weekend Sat/Sunday encounters.

Saturday 22nd home to Westborough

Sunday 23 rd June  home to Bayham and Lamberhurst (a new fixture )

Saturday  29th Home to Pembury

Sunday 30th Away to Speldhurst

It can be a lot to ask people if they could play all 4 or both.

Regards :


Sunday 9th June

June 22nd Quiz night 

Dear Bowlers

More names please on the board or directly to Jean I

Raffle prizes would be very welcome



Tuesday 16th April

Dear Bowlers

The weather was fine and the green was playing well.

There were 20 people playing in 5 groups of 4, round robin style.

The main course and desserts were amazing, thanks to all the ladies involved.  

The final over 8 ends was between David Green and Geoff Cook and David prevailed.

Geoff deserves  a particular mention as he is a relative  newcomer to lawn bowls.

Your reporter is away for the next 3 matches, but there are the capable hands of  Maurice .



Tuesday 16th April

The fox fence is now in position, on a temporary basis.  Hopefully there won’t be anymore large holes being dug.  If you do decide to visit the green, overnight, just check that the power is on by touching it!  It will not be on during the day.

Regarding the Saturday ‘roll up’, there will be a late decision made as to whether we can use the green because of the weather and the amount of damage that can be done to the green. The mats must be used to protect the green.

With regard to the question of lease or purchase of the ground, a lot of research has been done by some members of the committee.  Every angle has been looked at.  We are about to put some questions and proposals to the landlord.  As soon as we get that response we will call another meeting for discussion as to the way ahead. 

Saturday 27th April

Tea at Tenterden 

Friday May 3rd. There has been a drop out, so a vacancy for two people. The cost would be £24.50 per head. Pickup at. the Old School Hall at 1:45.

Contact Marjorie on 01732 358822. First come first served.

Saturday 27th April

UNO evening May 18th. Names needed please on the board or direct to B Reeve.

A fun evening with a 7:00 start, a raffle of course.

Saturday 27th April

Dear fellow bowlers

The competition sheets will be on the notice board from Monday, all entries have been independently drawn, so may I suggest  that you take a photo to remind you to contact your opponent (the person at the top of the list should contact the opposition to arrange the match).

Please remember, that apart from the Mixed Pairs & Darby & Joan, you will need a marker for your match.

I'm always here to help, please contact me on 01732 850013 or email :

As soon as the weather improves, let's get started and enjoy our bowling season.


Saturday 6th April

Dear All

A few items in advance of the new season.

Friendly Matches

How is it going to work?

Note : B Reeve will look after the weekend matches

         : MaurIce Wong will look after the Wednesday matches.

Members will be invited to play 14 days before each match, and teams notified 7 days before.

E-mails will be sent only to those who are playing and any reserves.

The first match is at home against Tonbridge, 4 rinks with a 2:30 start and greys on Saturday April 27th,

There is a roll up on Saturday April 20th, 2:30 start; so casual wear is OK.

Welcome to 4 new members and 2 returning members, a very busy and energetic signing up day. Lynne Reeve thanks you all  for the speedy responses on signing up for the competitions.

There is a heap of information on our Website and please take a look. If you would like to know about the history of the Tower, their website is also very informative.

We have shiny new doors to the equipment shed, big thanks to Martin Isted.

Unfortunately we have shiny, maybe new foxes ; the weather has not been helpful, but there is a priority to get the electric fence up and running; can you help?

The question of another EGM to update and endorse  "something" is work in progress.

Wednesday 27th March

Dear All

It's that time of year when I will be chasing you to enter your names down for our summer competitions.

Darby & Joan

All couples

Mixed Pairs

Drawn at random, team of 1 man & 1lady

Luff 2 wood

Open to everyone

President's Cup

Open to everyone

Men's Singles

Ladies Singles

Goodgame Cup

Open to anyone that hasn't won any of the above

Entry is £2 per competition

I look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday.



Tuesday 26th March

Dear All

A couple of points.

Rod Derrick 

The committee would like to thank Rod for his time and efforts on the committee; and his willingness to be a Captain for the day for several  matches and his time cutting the green.

He will be active on the social side, but the rigours of bowling have caught up.

The Committee

On the subject of the committee there is scope to introduce others to the workings. Believe it or not it is interesting and satisfying and there are only a handful of meetings a season. Have a think and/or sound out existing committee members. The signing in day would find most of the people in one place.  

Regards :

Tuesdsay 19th March

Dear Hadlow Bowls Club Members

The committee would like to update you on a few things of importance. 

Pam Kohlbeck

Very sadly, on Friday we had the news that Pam Kohlbeck has passed away. Pam had been a member of Hadlow Bowls Club for over 30 years. Any news regarding her funeral will be passed on in due course. 

Ground ownership 

The committee’s minds are being truly exercised over the ground ownership matter at present. Brian Hewitt, Steve Card and Ray Ellis are working with our solicitor and the landlord on the lease and two other options that have arisen since our Extraordinary General Meeting. 

In brief.  Firstly, we have had the generous offer of a loan for the full sum to purchase the ground in our own right on exceedingly favourable terms. This would have some distinct advantages for the club, however it raises a few legal questions that we are exploring.  Secondly, following a meeting with the Parish Clerk, at her suggestion we are submitting a proposal for The Parish Council to purchase the ground and lease it to us on terms we can afford. They will be discussing this at the next Parish Council meeting, however we are aware that the Parish is not exactly flush with funds at present. 

Our landlord is apparently sympathetic to each of these options and has lifted the time pressure on us a little. 

Updates will follow when we have more news. 

Signing On Day

Just a little reminder for us all that week Saturday, 30th March at 10:30 is Signing On Day 2024!  

This year’s subscription remains at £90 for bowlers and £5 for Social Members. We can pay on the day or by Bank Transfer at any time. The club bank details are Hadlow Bowls Club, sort code: 20-88-13, a/c no: 33928306. 

Club shirts will be ready for those who of us who have ordered them.

Our 2024 Fixtures Book will be available. 

And we will try to set up some teams to take on the cleaning of the changing rooms and generally tidy up our precious site. 

And finally!

A happy surprise!

Hadlow Bowls Club has been registered as a ‘Community Amateur Sports Club’ (CASC for short) since 2006 and we operate the Club under CASC rules.

A benefit of being a CASC is that the club can claim Gift Aid relief on any personal donations to the club. That means that for any money donated to the club by a tax payer, HMRC will give us another 25% - a £10 donation becomes worth £12.50!  This facility can provide a great help to club funds!

Steve will be considering the implications of this in greater detail and in due course Ray will put a donation page on the web site. 

See you all on Signing On Day!

Happy bowling!


The Hadlow Bowls Club Committee

Wednesday 6th March

Dear Hadlow Bowls Club Members

This is an important email to update you on three things.

Extraordinary General Meeting

Since the club's majority vote in favour of progressing with a new leasing arrangement for the Hadlow Bowls Club ground, other factors have come to light that may affect this decision. These matters are being investigated, including meetings with our solicitors and the Parish Council.  Be assured we will keep Club Members advised of progress when there is something substantive to report.


There have been changes to the Club Committee in the last week. 

Rod Derrick and Mike Gladwin have stood down from the Committee.  Rod had been a valued committee member for several years, and Mike had done a sterling job as Club Secretary for the last 12 years.  I am sure you will join with the rest of the Committee in thanking Rod and Mike for their years of faithful service to the club.

Brian Hewitt has taken over the reins as Interim Club Secretary.

Ray Ellis has joined the Committee.

The present Committee is therefore:

Officers: Dave Isted, Chairman; Brian Hewitt, Interim Secretary; Steve Card, Treasurer 

Members: Ray Ellis; Jean Isted; Marjorie Manser; Brian Reeve; Maurice Wong

This means there now remain three vacancies on the Committee.  It is vitally important that the Club has a functioning Committee, and indeed it is a requirement of our status as a 'Community Amateur Sports Club' which grants us various tax benefits.  Please consider seriously if you would be willing to join the Committee.  No previous or special experience is required, just a wish to help Hadlow Bowls Club remain an important part of the local community looking to the future.  If you'd like to know more about what this entails, please ask.

2024 Matches

The Club web site is now up to date with all the new league fixtures for 2024.

Weald League Captain remains Maurice Wong and the Sevenoaks League Captain is Brian Reeve.

Happy bowling!


Hadlow Bowls Club Committee

Thursday 29th February

Dear bowlers 

March 30th

Signing in day when the 2020 fixture book becomes available; subs are 90 GBP.s

Steve will be happy to receive BACS payment in advance at Hadlow Bowls Club,


Wednesday 14th February



2023 Season

Tuesday 21st November

Dear member,

re Quiz, Club shirts, London Beach.

Please note that the Christmas quiz, Saturday 9 December will now take place in the Old School Hall and NOT the pavilion.

It would be appreciated if you would arrive early, 6.45, so that we can have a short discussion before the quiz.

Following the discussion at the AGM regarding the purchase of club shirts  we would like to get members' views on the way forward. We have a couple of samples.  All members can have their say before a decision is made.  Likely cost around £20.

We also need feed back about the possibility regarding taking part in a charity Afternoon Tea at the London Beach Hotel and Spa at Tenterden.  £24.50 p.p. The majority of the money will be reimbursed back to club funds.


Tuesday 31st October

Good afternoon,

Here is a brief resume of today’s AGM.

There was a good attendance and the chairman welcomed the new members to their first AGM.  He also thanked them for playing in matches in their first season.

The committee were re-elected.  However, the chairman indicated that there are vacancies and new committee members will be needed in the not too distant future.

Events were successful.

The Treasurer reported a loss of about £700 and suggested more sponsorship is required and asked members to think about it and to let the committee know if they had contacts with a company who might be prepared to sponsor.

The committee have been asked to look at the possibility of us having a club polo shirt.

There will be a smoking/vaping ban at the club.

A code of conduct will be introduced.

Maurice said the email system for matches had worked well and asked members to always confirm that they can play.

The quiz on December 9 at 7.00 was mentioned. Please let us know if you wish to attend.


Saturday 3rd September

Finals Day Results

Derby & Joan - winners Chris & Grace

Mixed Pairs - winners Frances & Maurice

President's Cup - winner Chris

Men's Singles - winner Chris

Ladies Singles - winner Myra

Luff 2 Wood - winner Maurice

Goodgame Cup - winner Ray

Thursday 10th August

Triples Competition

The weather was kind, the competition fierce and the food excellent.

It came down to the final as follows :

Chris R / David C/Jackie H   versus Len C/Jean B/Andy C.

Len led his team to a 9 - 0 position which proved to be the winning team.

Congratulations to all participants.

Big thank you to Jean I for the organisation.

Big thank you to Jean and helpers, especially Angela, with the food.

Big thank you to all those who contributed food.

